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TopSoil in Enfield, Newbury & Surrounding Areas


Pennington Building Contractors TopSoil is screened and delivered from our base in Newbury. Typically we deliver using our fleet of Grab Lorries. Grab Lorry Hire is also available. The product is weighed for conformity before delivery and then delivered in either 1t Grab Bags or 15t Loads. We service anywhere within a 30 radius of Newbury including Berkshire, Hampshire, Surrey and London.


Screened TopSoil


Our TopSoil is screened to remove large stone content and is ideal for gardens. Our customers often choose this product where there is clay or there is a drainage issue. Our soil in this screened state benefits from organic matter and nutrients making it the go-to choice for lawns and gardens as well construction sites. Feedback from our customers shows they achieve great results and often come back to us for more 




Bulk Buy TopSoil


Our TopSoil is now able to be bought in bulk, offering a great saving for your business. Contact us for more information and order your TopSoil in bulk today!




Gardeners and construction workers love the extended reach of the Grab which means delivery over most walls and fences is possible, saving you time and money. Please note discount is available on larger orders or for Account Customers. Contact Us now to discuss your requirements 

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